All Memberships
Real-Fit membership allows unlimited access to all classes. No open gym is included in this membership

If you pay for 6 months upfront you get 10% discount or, for 12 months paid upfront, you'll get a 20% discount.

This option requires completion of our 2 hour 'onramp' induction, the onramp is a separate one off payment of £25

Please note memberships are non refundable/transferable and There is also a 28 day cancellation policy.

Pre & Postnatal
This membership gives you access to our Pre & Postnatal classes

This option requires completion of our 2 hour 'onramp' induction, the onramp is a separate one off payment of £25.

Student Real Fitness (full time real education)
Full time education - no income

This allows for attendance of all classes at Real Fitness

Please note memberships are non refundable/transferable and There is also a 28 day cancellation policy.

Open Gym + Classes 12 months
Only purchase this membership here if you have bought the ‘open gym plus classes’ membership in real strength:

Open Gym + Classes 6months
Only purchase this membership here if you have bought the ‘open gym plus classes’ membership in real strength:

Open Gym + Classes
Only purchase this membership here if you have bought the ‘open gym plus classes’ membership in real strength:

10 Class Pass
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 90 days.
10 class pass - allows you to attend 10 classes over the space of 3 months

20 class pass
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 180 days.
20 class pass

Allows you to attend 20 classes in 6 months