All Memberships
Free Week!
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 7 days.
Come see what HQ is all about for a whole week! Train as many times as you'd like and get to know the coaching team.

To give you the best experience possible we've developed a kick ass coaching team. We pride ourselves on being able to educate, inspire and entertiain. Our approachable coaches make the environment so much more than just a regular gym and we're excited to meet you!

Platinum (unlimited sessions)
Train as many times as you'd like and fast track your fitness journey!

To give you the best experience possible we've developed a kick ass coaching team. We pride ourselves on being able to educate, inspire and entertain. Our approachable coaches make the environment so much more than just a regular gym.

Silver (2 Sessions per week)
Book into any 2 sessions per week, send it a bit!

To give you the best experience possible we've developed a kick ass coaching team. We pride ourselves on being able to educate, inspire and entertain. Our approachable coaches make the environment so much more than just a regular gym.

10 Session pack
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 3 months.
Book into 10 session at your own pace with this pack. Valid for 3 months on any of our sessions.