Upfront Membership - A year of UNLIMITED Pilates!
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 365 days.
At $52.88 per week, the upfront yearly membership is our BEST value membership! Join us 3 times a week and it's $17/class. Join us 5 times a week and it is $10/class.
Enjoy UNLIMITED Reformer Pilates, Yoga and Stretch over all our STUDIO locations.

* Unlimited classes
Choose from over 300 classes a week over 3 studio locations

We have a LIMITED number of these memberships available to purchase - get in quick!

## Class Cancelation policy applies to Upfront memberships. Lose 1 day off membership for any late cancellations or no-shows.

* Subject to a 1.5% transaction fee
Membership begins on the date of your choosing.
You can hold if going away (7 days blocks)
This membership is non-refundable. It may be transferable, written approval must be given.

Terms and Conditions

This membership will entitle the purchaser to UNLIMITED MAT classes (and 1 open Reformer/HIIP/Dynamic/JUMP per day) offered by the business and begins on the date of the first registration. You do 1 Reformer and 1 Mat class every day.

Valid for 365 days. Some classes/events (Private sessions/Mums and Bubs/Courses) may be excluded from this membership. This membership is not refundable.
Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable.

If you are a late cancel (within 3 hours or no show a session) 1 day will be taken off the end of your membership expiry.
For continual late cancels and no shows (more than 3 times a week), your membership can be cancelled as per the T&Cs.