YIN & YOGA NIDRA workshop: Uncover the CALM within

Find a state of deep RELAXATION and connect you with the CALM that lies within you.

Our workshop will introduce you to the practice of YOGA NIDRA, a guided meditation practice that will take you to a state of deep relaxation between sleeping and waking. We will begin with a SLOW FLOW/YIN practice to enable you to become grounded within your body and connected with your breath. 

We then move through a guided YOGA NIDRA meditation to deeply relax your mind and body. We will focus on locating the stillness and calm which is already within us but can become crowded by the noise and busyness of daily life.

This workshop will provide you with tools and techniques to employ throughout your life to manage anxiety, stress or to simply give yourself space and deep relaxation.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation technique. Nidra involves listening to a guided meditation that will take you to a place somewhere between awake and sleep. It works to peel back the layers of consciousness until you are able to rest in quiet stillness. It is immensely relaxing and calming and has been shown to produce many positive benefits for practitioners.

This workshop is perfect for anyone who experiences anxiety or stress, anyone who would like to improve their sleep patterns, anyone interested in deepening their yoga or meditation practice. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation, so you need no prior experience or knowledge.

Other facts about Nidra.

Yoga Nidra has been shown through scientific studies to be effective in treating and managing conditions including chronic pain, sleep issues, depression and anxiety and PTSD.
Dopamine is a 'feel-good chemical -- and it's a critical ingredient for a satisfying human life. Not only does dopamine help to boost our mood, but it also plays a role in facilitating focus, memory and movement. Yoga Nidra practice has been shown to increase dopamine levels by up to 65%.
Yoga Nidra, especially when practised regularly, can support healthy sleep cycles.
Yoga Nidra helps release mental, physical and emotional tensions and reduces stress by promoting a feeling of complete relaxation.


Workshop Sunday December 12th 5:15pm - 7:30pm

Light refreshments included 

BYO - Yoga Mat, Blanket and Eye Mask 

$35 Early Bird

$38 After Dec 1st