2023 LIVE Pilates Mat Class Replays

This collection of LIVE replays, is designed to allow you to do a class beyond the live version. Please ensure you are choosing an appropriate level and enjoy:)

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2024 Mat Class Videos

Varying levels of recorded Pilates Mat classes from 2024

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2024 LIVE recorded MOTR classes

Pilates on the MOTR.

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2022 LIVE Pilates Mat Class Replays

This collection of LIVE replays, is designed to allow you to do a class beyond the live version. Please ensure you are choosing an appropriate level and enjoy:)

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2023 MOTR Replay videos

Replay recordings of our Pilates on the MOTR Classes. You will need a MOTR! These classes are designed for those with no significant injuries.

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2022 Pilates on the MOTR Replays

Replay recordings of our Pilates on the MOTR Classes. You will need a MOTR! These classes are designed for those with no significant injuries.

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