Calistnenics Work Shop

The workshop run by Lee Wade Turner of Recession Proof Body (London) is split into two parts, in the morning session, basic Bodyweight exercises, (press ups, dips, pull ups and muscle ups) are the focus, working on correct technique, ways to improve overall strength and ways to build your reps.
More intensive variations of each exercise will be demonstrated and broken down where participants will explore different ways of training with them.
Challenging solo/group workouts will wrap up each instructional segment working with parallettes, parallel bars, Rings and high bar.
After a lunch break the Bodyweight movements are taken up a few notches with advanced Gymnastic/Bodyweight holds and exercises such as Front Lever, Back Lever, One arm pull ups and Human Flag are broken down with demonstrations through all the progressions needed to be worked on to actually achieving the full hold.
More modern and updated 'Street Workout' variations
The final part of the workshop will incorporate some of the new skills acquired in a fun and challenging core session where the participants will run through some drills and skills on the parallel and high bar.
Afterwards the coaches will be able to answer any questions or concerns that you have regarding the days session.