All Memberships
Copper Membership
What do I get?

1 x 1-hour group class per week and a free Saturday practice session (not taught) each week!

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Private 1 to 1 lesson
Begins on the date of the first registration. Never Expires.
This pack entitles you to 1 private class for 1 hour. Date and time to be agreed in advance, please contact us to arrange.

Private class 5 Pack
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 5 weeks.
This membership provides the student with 5 1 hour private classes with Alan. Saving £25 on the normal price of 1 2 1 sessions.
5 Pole class pack.
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 2 months.
A pack of 5 lessons is available over two months; this is suitable for people who can't commit to a full membership due to work or other commitments; we understand that life gets in the way sometimes. This pack allows you to attend any pole class. You can attend as many classes as you wish within the time and the pack limit, but the pack will expire after two months. These packs are not transferable or extendable.

8 Pole Class Pack
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 2 months.
A pack of 8 lessons is available over two months; this is suitable for people who can't commit to a full membership due to work or other commitments; we understand that life gets in the way sometimes. This pack allows you to attend any pole class. You can attend as many classes as you wish within the time and the pack limit, but the pack will expire after two months.

10 Pole class pack
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 2 months.
A pack of 10 lessons is available over two months; this is suitable for people who can't commit to a full membership due to work or other commitments; we understand that life gets in the way sometimes. This pack allows you to attend any pole class. You can attend as many classes as you wish within the time and the pack limit, but the pack will expire after two months.

20 PACK spring summer deal.
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 3 months.
SPECIAL OFFER 20 PACK TO BE USED IN 12 WEEKS, 3 MONTHS. Offer available from 1st May to 31st May.