All Memberships
4 Class Pack
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 4 weeks.
Read terms for cancellation/lateness policies. As with PAYG classes, 48hrs notice is required to rearrange classes or the class is forfeited.

Buy this 4 Class Pack to get a discount on normal PAYG prices!

This Class Pack entitles you to 4 classes that you choose yourself within 4 weeks from the date of purchase from the schedule and is perfect for students for many reasons:

1. Many cannot attend a set day/time each week
2. It allows you to choose the times you come to classes to fit your work and social schedule
3. Our fave part: You can mix and match your classes to tailor to what you want and need for maximum personal benefit.
Anything goes whether you go for all Pole Classes, all Flow Fundamentals Only or Flexibility Classes etc or a compete mix!
4. Once you have purchased your membership, you don't need to book all 4 classes at once.
Just select classes from the schedule as and when during the 4 weeks!!
5. Work around your payday. No set start dates means no scrambling to get the funds in time for a deadline.
6. Class pack starts on the first class you book and is valid from 4 weeks from that date.

NOTE- You add your classes separately, so if you want to stick to the same day and time each week, you must select each class individually.

LEVEL NOTICE: Please only book classes that are within your ability level. Every class on the schedule holds the details on the specifics of what level each class is. :)

6 Class Pack
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 4 weeks.
Read terms for cancellation/lateness policies. As with PAYG classes, 72hrs notice is required to rearrange classes or the class is forfeited.

Buy this 6 Class Pack to get a discount on normal PAYG prices!

This Class Pack entitles you to 6 classes that you choose yourself within 4 weeks from the date of purchase from the schedule and is perfect for students for many reasons:

1. Many cannot attend a set day/time each week
2. It allows you to choose the times you come to classes to fit your work and social schedule
3. Our fave part: You can mix and match your classes to tailor to what you want and need for maximum personal benefit.
Anything goes whether you go for all Pole Classes, all Flow Fundamentals Only or Flexibility Classes etc or a compete mix!
4. Once you have purchased your membership, you don't need to book all 6 classes at once.
Just select classes from the schedule as and when during the 4 weeks!!
5. Work around your payday. No set start dates means no scrambling to get the funds in time for a deadline.
6. Class pack starts on the first class you book and is valid from 4 weeks from that date.

NOTE- You add your classes separately, so if you want to stick to the same day and time each week, you must select each class individually.

LEVEL NOTICE: Please only book classes that are within your ability level. Every class on the schedule holds the details on the specifics of what level each class is. :)

8 Class Pack
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 4 weeks.
Read terms for cancellation/lateness policies. As with PAYG classes, 72hrs notice is required to rearrange classes or the class is forfeited.

Buy this 8 Class Pack to get a discount on normal PAYG prices!

This Class Pack entitles you to 8 classes that you choose yourself within 4 weeks from the date of purchase from the schedule and is perfect for students for many reasons:

1. Many cannot attend a set day/time each week
2. It allows you to choose the times you come to classes to fit your work and social schedule
3. Our fave part: You can mix and match your classes to tailor to what you want and need for maximum personal benefit.
Anything goes whether you go for all Pole Classes, all Flow Fundamentals Only or Flexibility Classes etc or a compete mix!
4. Once you have purchased your membership, you don't need to book all 8 classes at once.
Just select classes from the schedule as and when during the 4 weeks!!
5. Work around your payday. No set start dates means no scrambling to get the funds in time for a deadline.
6. Class pack starts on the first class you book and is valid from 4 weeks from that date.

NOTE- You add your classes separately, so if you want to stick to the same day and time each week, you must select each class individually.

LEVEL NOTICE: Please only book classes that are within your ability level. Every class on the schedule holds the details on the specifics of what level each class is. :)

10 Class Pack
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 4 weeks.
Read terms for cancellation/lateness policies. As with PAYG classes, 72hrs notice is required to rearrange classes or the class is forfeited.

Buy this 10 Class Pack to get a discount on normal PAYG prices!

This Class Pack entitles you to 10 classes that you choose yourself within 4 weeks from the date of purchase from the schedule and is perfect for students for many reasons:

1. Many cannot attend a set day/time each week
2. It allows you to choose the times you come to classes to fit your work and social schedule
3. Our fave part: You can mix and match your classes to tailor to what you want and need for maximum personal benefit.
Anything goes whether you go for all Pole Classes, all Flow Fundamentals Only or Flexibility Classes etc or a compete mix!
4. Once you have purchased your membership, you don't need to book all 10 classes at once.
Just select classes from the schedule as and when during the 4 weeks!!
5. Work around your payday. No set start dates means no scrambling to get the funds in time for a deadline.
6. Class pack starts on the first class you book and is valid from 4 weeks from that date.

NOTE- You add your classes separately, so if you want to stick to the same day and time each week, you must select each class individually.

LEVEL NOTICE: Please only book classes that are within your ability level. Every class on the schedule holds the details on the specifics of what level each class is. :)
Private Lesson Memberships
4 Pack of Private Lessons
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 2 months.

8 Pack of Private Lessons
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 3 months.

10 Pack of Private Lessons
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 14 weeks.

4 Pack of 2-2-1 Private Lessons
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 2 months.

8 Pack of 2-2-1 Private Lessons
Begins on the date of the first registration. Never Expires.