July Thirty Day Reset

The 'Thirty Day Reset' has been developed as a program for you to take some time out to prioritise you, you wellbeing, your fitness and your general lifestyle. The program can be tailored to meet your goals and you will finish the Thirty Day Reset with sustainable lifestyle habits. Come and join us! Find out more... The main ethos of the Reset is to: Plan out meals to include protein sources Track meals using My Fitness Pal (looking at macro-nutrients breakdown to support this) Drink at least 2 litres of water per day Set daily movement in time or steps ( ideally 30 mins+ or at least 8 000 steps).. Exercise with moderate to high intensity at least three times per week. Set sleep hours target Eeek! Sounds like a lot? Don’t worry, it all falls into place, bit by bit and step by step. The ‘Thirty Day Reset’ is exactly what it says in the name - resetting ourselves to eat balanced healthy meals, exercising well and listening to our bodies. This 'reset' is so much more than just meal plans and exercise routines - it is about identifying habits and working out ways to overcome these. Yes, we will be planning our meals and there will be guidance of what to eat and drink but you will make this work for you and your lifestyle - and I will be there to support you throughout.
By signing up to this course, you will be invited to a weekly Sunday 8pm call where we will review your week and set goals for the week ahead. Only 6 places available.