Unlimited Classes
30 Days *Trial Offer* - RG30
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 31 days.
New members only. This introductory offer includes 3 x PT onboarding sessions and unlimited classes (once your PT signs you off)

Onboarding sessions are more bespoke to you. Your first session is an assessment where will use our Inbody machine to measure body composition, then do a movement screen and fitness test. Plus any gym orientation you need.

After that we tailor the sessions to your needs and ability so that you get a feel for our environment and that we are both happy for you to join our group training sessions. Your trainer may say you’re good to join from day one if you demonstrate past experience. Then your PT sessions can be used to hone any skills needed.

After 30 days we will retest inbody and let you know how you can join us full time (as we are confident you’ll want to) :)

Class Membership (4) - RG30
*Existing Members Only*

This membership gives you access to all classes.

30 days notice is required to cancel this membership.

Annual Class Membership - RG30
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 12 months.
*Existing Customers Only*

This membership gives you 12 months access to all classes.