RETREAT Day 3 Aligned and empowered: Yoga course for mindful movement; Embrace the flow; Cultivating mindfulness and emotional alignment through yoga.

This is the last in this series of retreat days looking at different aspects of alignment, and focuses far more on what I call the "quiet" side of yoga; the "introspective", mindful aspect of yoga; the wonderful ability yoga has, through a range of techniques, to help us strengthen our emotional and mental well-being..

DAY 3: Embrace the flow: Cultivating mindfulness and emotional alignment through yoga.

For me, this is one of the most interesting days in the series, because it focuses not just on the physical, but on really grasping the inextricable link between how we feel physically, and how we feel emotionally. So what will we explore today?

1) Let's begin by understanding how mental and emotional factors play a significant role in overall alighnment and well-being. We'll look at 6 specific ways mental and emotional factors contribue to our alignment and well-being.

3) How can yoga movement, mindfulness and other yoga techniques help us create a greater sense of alignment and overall well-being?

4) I'll share some of my learning from the teachings of Sam Harris, Joseph Goldstein and other philosphers and neuroscientists, which help us to understand a little more about the benefits of mindfulness and meditation techniques, and how we can integrate this into our lives. 

Worried a full day of yoga is going to be too much?

Don't worry! Its not just practising poses! And it's not just for experienced yogis! Whatever your level or experience, you will come away with a deeper knowledge of how to use the tools and techniques of yoga to support your well-being journey.

We go deeper into topics; there's a mix of learning, discussion and time for questions and sharing experiences. there are handouts with some of the key messages I think it's useful to remember.

There's time for deep relaxation, mindfulness, self-reflection and, hopefully thinking about what small changes you might make to your own daily habits to improve and/or maintain your alignment and balance for as long as possible. 

Most of all, it's a day where you can take time out for you, unwind and hopefully have fun!

Please note: Places only secured upon payment and no refunds unless I can re-fill your space with another student.