Yoga Warrior 2024: Day 2: Beyond wrinkles! How yoga and nutrition can help you stay stronger and fitter for longer.

Anyone who knows me knows one of the driving factors behind my own personal practice and what I share with others is the desire to grow old but NOT infirm. 

We may not be able to stave off the wrinkles, and the grey hair, (although we can try with the myriad of "remedies" so widely advertised in the media!)  but science is increasingly showing there ARE things we have control of which CAN make a big difference to the quality of our lives as we age.

So, in this the second day of this retreat series, I'd like to share what I've learned about what matters MOST when it comes to taking care of our body -  our strength.

Because botox or creams might smooth out  your wrinkles temporarily, but they won't stop you from becoming frail; they won't stop you from being at risk of falls, or joint issues .......

In Day 1 of this series we learned the importance of skeletal health. 

In this retreat we'll take a deep dive behind the scenes of skeletal health. 

Why is muscle SO important and what happens to it as we age?

Does weight matter?

How can we maintain or even build our skeletal muscle?

The role of protein in our diet. Are you getting enough?

Why strict restrictive diets can actually compound your risk of becoming frail, and what to do instead.

How to look at nutrition for ageing well.

The role of exercise in maintaining our strength. A deeper dive into resistance training; what is it and how can we build that into a life-long  routine for longevity?

Can yoga postures and techniques help, and if so, which ones is it a good idea to build into a simple routine? (You'll learn some simple 15 minute routines on the day!)

Should you add weights? And if so, how might you incorporate that into your new lifestyle? 


Date: Saturday 29th June.
Venue: Lakeside Primary School
Time; 10am to 4.30pm
Cost: £65 to incude a nutritious lunch, refreshments and all handouts. 

Please note; 

Spaces on a first come, first served basis and ONLY secured upon payment. No drop ins I'm afraid for obvious reasons.

No refunds if cancel within 7 days of the event unless I can fill your space with another student. 

You will  receive a receipt upon payment, and an email nearer the day with all final details, but meanwhile, any questions don't hesitate to ask!