Summer Slam Super Total

This course has been cancelled

Summer Slam Super Total

23rd July 2023.

This competition is designed to crown the STRONGEST Club/Box in the UK. Max lifts will be tested in our mixed team competition.


Cost per team: £100

(Teams of 5 and 2 must be Females)

The competition is aimed at weightlifting clubs and CrossFit/ Functional fitness gyms. Rules on scores will include scores from female competitors and all scores will be based on body weight using the Sinclair and Wilks formula. 

*Your team will produce 3 scores in each of the following disciplines. One of which has to be a FEMALE score. 


Max Snatch

Max  Snatch 

Max Deadlift

Max Bench

Max Back Squat


*The strongest teams with the biggest scores in the disciplines above will be crowned the strongest team. 


Press out rule will be eliminated and no pauses or holding positions are necessary. However this doesn’t mean awful technique will be allowed. Judges will be briefed on acceptable standards.


A full list of movement standards will be sent out to you once you have registered your team. 


*Each of your participants have to be a paying member at your gym and must train at your gym.


No refunds will be permitted but ticket transfers to another box or weightlifting club will be allowed. 


We look forward to seeing you lift some BIG TIN on the day!