Rocket Yoga TT 2019

Rocket Teacher Training
For teachers and practitioners
The 4 day schedule will include:
How to practice, teach, assist and breakdown the intermediate Rocket 2 Practice.
How to share, introduce and modify the practice for beginners and more advanced practitioners.
Analysis of your own practice: precision / alignment / dynamic tension and movement.
Tools for effective teaching and practice of the Rocket.

Reasons to participate in the Rocket Immersion training:
Create time for yourself and refresh your yoga practice.
Deepen your practice and take it to a new level of awareness and lift off!
Return to your personal practice focused and refreshed.
Gain 50 hours continued professional development certificate.
Immersion asana content:
Parsva Bakasana
Pincha Mayurasana
Eka Pada Bakasana
Adho mukha vrksasana
Koundinasana Variations
Transitions and more.
This is a 4 day immersion Thursday to the Sunday and the investment is £400, of which we require a non refundable deposit of £100 to reserve a space.