All Memberships
Zumba 10-Class Pass
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 14 weeks.
Buy 10 classes in advance and get £10 off! This pass is valid for all venues. It will expire after 14 weeks if not used up before. You still need to book each class, then choose 'use membership' on the payment page.

Zumba 5-Class Pass
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 8 weeks.
Buy 5 classes in advance and get £5 off! This pass is valid for all venues. It will expire after 8 weeks if not used up before. You still need to book each class but won't be charged again.

Zumba Special
Don't feel like having to book? The Zumba Special membership is for you! You'll be automatically booked into all STUDIO and ONLINE Zumba classes, so all you need to do is turn up! Please note, this is a monthly recurring payment with a 7-day cancellation notice period.
This membership is for:
Monday Studio Zumba 11:00
Wednesday Studio Zumba 09:30
Saturday Online Zumba 10:30-11:30
I knew you were Special!

Dance Class Pack
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 14 weeks.
Buy 10 classes, pay for 9! £117 instead of £130.
After buying this, you can book yourself into each separate class.
It's valid for 14 weeks, so you can miss 4 along the way, after that the free 10th class expires. You can still keep using the remaining classes.

1 Extra Online Participant
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 1 day.
Optional purchase if you have an extra participant for online Zumba

2+ Extra Online Participants
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 1 day.
Optional purchase if you have 2 or more extra participants for online Zumba. It's a party!