Pink Moon Retreat Deposit only

The pink moon is a name given to the full moon that occurs in April, and it holds great spiritual significance in some cultures. It is believed to represent rebirth, growth, and renewal, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.


€100 for the full day

10am studio meet

Tea, coffee and introductions


Aerial Hammock warm up and stretch class

11.30-1pm Lusty Lyra

đź©·Lusty lyra workshopđź©·

Within this workshop we will explore the simpler side to our lyra.

Our aim is to make you feel like the goddess you are to be comfortable sitting on that throne where you belong!

After this workshop you really will feel like the Lovely, graceful and alluring muse you are

1-2pm break for Lunch in our beautiful pink kitchen

2-3pm Heels 101

Heels dance is a type of dance that utilizes high heels to create a stylized look and to emphasize a certain type of movement. It is both fun and flirty, giving participants a unique way to express themselves through their movements on and around the pole. We will flow like goddesses.

3-4pm Photos

We will spend the hour creating powerful and sexy poses for you to capture and remind yourself of your amazing feminine self.

4-4.30pm aerial cocooning

Lose yourself as you float and embrace the day you have had.

5pm sea swim (optional)

Bookings open on March 8th international women’s day.

Only 10 places available non refundable or transferable deposit required to book. Balance of €70 is due by 4pm on the 5 April. If not paid you place with be forfeited.