CrossFit Hantspol - Emergency Services Throwdown
Join CrossFit HantsPol on Friday 18th October for a same sex pairs throwdown!
This is an all inclusive competition designed to bring the emergency services together and offer people an opportunity to compete in a fitness competition which is designed to push the competitors hard irrespective of their current abilities. Because of this, all we ask is that the athletes can move below parallel in the squat and are able to move the following weights in the movement standards below. The day will consist of 3 WODs for everyone and a final for the top few male and female pairs.
Movement Standards
Deadlifts - 70/50kg
Other barbell movements - 40/30kg
Kettlebell swings - 24/16kg
Box Jumps/ Step ups
Wall balls
Note there will be no complex movements until the final.
0800 open and registration
0830 athlete briefing
0900 first WOD
1630 end presentations etc.
1700 end - estimate
Entry is £40 per pair
If you have any questions relating to this event, please contact
To register, click here
This is an all inclusive competition designed to bring the emergency services together and offer people an opportunity to compete in a fitness competition which is designed to push the competitors hard irrespective of their current abilities. Because of this, all we ask is that the athletes can move below parallel in the squat and are able to move the following weights in the movement standards below. The day will consist of 3 WODs for everyone and a final for the top few male and female pairs.
Movement Standards
Deadlifts - 70/50kg
Other barbell movements - 40/30kg
Kettlebell swings - 24/16kg
Box Jumps/ Step ups
Wall balls
Note there will be no complex movements until the final.
0800 open and registration
0830 athlete briefing
0900 first WOD
1630 end presentations etc.
1700 end - estimate
Entry is £40 per pair
If you have any questions relating to this event, please contact
To register, click here