Level 2: Beginner Freestyle 6 Week Course £149

Can't put your face in the water or complete one length without needing to stop for air?

You may have tried and failed to learn to swim freestyle (front crawl) before. Maybe you can't stand putting your face in the water or could do with a confidence boost. Perhaps you can swim one length of freestyle but get frustrated that you can't get your breathing right. We can help you learn good freestyle technique in a friendly environment, in our small supportive group sessions. It costs £149 for the 6 week course. Spaces are strictly limited to 6-8 participants so you get lots of attention. 

This course is for you if you're struggling to complete a length or have never learned to do freestyle/front crawl properly before. Learn how to breathe properly, bilateral breathing, hand entry, catch mechanics, arm recovery and proper leg kick technique.

If you've learned in the past and need a refresher on new techniques we also have an Improvers' Freestyle course running at the same time.