Freestyle Improver 6 Week Course Tues 2nd April Abingdon 8.45pm

Courses are held at Oxford Park Club, Abingdon School and High Wycombe Leisure Centre. It costs just £129 for the full 6 week course INCLUSIVE OF A BEFORE/AFTER VIDEO ANALYSIS. Spaces are strictly limited to 6-8 participants so you get lots of individual attention.

We improve these areas of your technique:
Bilateral Breathing and Exhalation
Rotation - how much is enough?
Arm recovery - Swinger or Smooth?
Proper hand entry
Good alignment and preventing crossovers
Catch mechanics and pulling through more propulsively
How to achieve a streamlined body position 
What an effective kick looks like for triathletes and swimmers
Distance freestyle swimming technique & swimming continuously

This course is for you if you can already swim freestyle/front crawl, maybe you're struggling to complete a length or two without stopping. Perhaps you've learned in the past or need a refresher on new techniques. We also have a beginner freestyle course running in parallel which is advised if you're completely new to the stroke.

This course routinely fully books so please book early to avoid disappointment!