Move With The Seasons - Spring

Rediscover playful and natural movement in the context of nature and the season. Explore the blurred lines between expression and utility when interacting with the environment or another human(s) and how creativity is cultivated in both. Everything has a season - our bodies, our relationships with people and our habitat, our challenges and phases in life.

Ecological movement - Ideas around the cocreation of movement between body, tribe and habitat and a solo, group and environmental practice - Delving into movement choices made from a utilitarian perspective and movement born out of creative impulses and the muddied water that does not care for attempts to define a difference. Whether moving in the trees and through the woods, with a partner, or with your own body in space, awareness of ourselves, each other and the change and qualities of the season will be our guide and our muse.

"We evolved to move, to move in nature, to move with a tribe, and to develop ourselves through play. Reclaim your ability to move and live like a human." - Evolve Move Play

Awaken, rejuvenate and resurrect your movement practice after the inevitable hibernation period over the winter months. Spring is a time of regrowth. The excitement of seeing the plants around you blossom again, mirrors ones practice as we have more daylight again and the preparation for all out exuberance and celebration in summer starts to take on shape more. There's nothing quite like the excitement of seeing the majestic change around you, as the once bare and beautiful trees burst with welcome seas of green to remind you spring has sprung.

10am to 5pm
How much - £95 for the first 5 tickets and £120 for the remaining.
Places Are Limited To 12.

What is moving seasonally?
Adaption. Awareness of rhythm, change and ‘spirit of place’. Relationships.

Most can relate to how they eat differently according to the season; the temperature, emotional connection, how they feel and what 'should' be most relevant - what is actually available to eat at that time of year. I believe the seasons also affect how we move, whether we are aware of it or not - from one’s body language (shivering with self-embrace from the cold or open and confident from the warm sun) to how we want to train and move, which if done predominately outside will influence what is practical and relevant. The conditions from a utility perspective, but also with awareness, can feed our emotions to impulses which feed our movement.

We move to fit the environment (adaptability) and the environment MOVES us (impulse or emotionally).

This connection to our seasonal environment is what makes us human. “Move With The Seasons” is my invitation to explore our relationships; with our bodies, habitat and tribe (community). Our primal sense of rhythm and change when moving in our habitat is best experienced when in nature, not in a year-round controlled environment such as a gym. A movement practice can benefit from this oscillation rather than flat-lining in a uni-season of disconnection. Static, for me, feels like stagnation. No change lessons the opportunities for awareness and adaptation - which lessons my engagement. I do my best to remain open to change through exposure to the dynamism of our seasons. Change to my habitat. My community. My family. My children. My ageing body. Open to the adaptability required and the opportunity for creativity that never ceases to get old.

You will experience:

-Tree Dancing to Tree Running - learn how to flow in trees via the lenses of different forms of arboreal locomotion, tree climbing and dance. Play on the continuum of Treerunning and Treedancing. What techniques in Parkour work well in trees. How can we take ideas from our solo and group dance and movement situation practice and apply them to dancing with the trees

-Flow - learn to flow in context on the ground and over various obstacles, whether grass, bark or leafy terrain

-Ground interaction - ground flow and break falling, rebuild your relationship, confidence and vocabulary moving on and getting to and from the ground.

-Partner interaction - rapport/connection building games, with roughhousing / rough & tumble play and contact improvisation

-Manipulative skills / cooperative building - Unique building and crafting tasks putting lifting and carrying into context and exploring creative expression in finding harmony in adding to one's environment with the "sculpting of space"

-Mobility development tools - joint health and longevity, building flexibility with strength and control, resilience and the sensitivity to react to the unknown.

-An introduction to strength training with practical application to natural movement and dealing with chaotic situations in mind.

Replenish your connection with nature within the beautiful natural environment of Hampstead Heath