Pelvic Floor Core Rehab

This 6 week post natal core rehabilitation course caters for new mums in the early post natal and later post natal stages. If you suffer from incontinence, diastasis or pelvic/lower back aches and pains this is the course for you. Prior to joining the course you will under go a thorough pre screen with medical questionnaire and physical check. During the course we will tackle restrengthening the pelvic floor, core and whole body with a holistic approach. The course begins with mat based sessions that focus on retraining your breathing to help activate the pelvic floor more regularly, dynamic stretch movement that will help rid aches and pains, and then progresses onto motherhood movement patterns that help support your everyday life with your growing baby.

Courses are held in different locations, please contact us for further details.
Babies in buggies are welcome.
A maximum of 8 mums to one course.
Courses are held every 6 weeks, get in touch for dates.