1 Class a Week @ Woo Wellness Studio Membership
This entitles you to 1 class per week, 39 weeks per year at any venue face to face or zoom, including the smaller 6 client studio venue.

Price equates to £14.76 per class

This membership also gives you access to the On-Demand bank of Pilates video for you to view at no additional cost, 365 days a year.

You can cancel this membership with 30 days notice.
  • £48.00 per month
    Terms and conditions
    This membership bills every month. Payment for the first partial period will be prorated according to the days remaining in the period.
    This membership entitles the purchaser to a full access to the On-Demand Pilates Video Collection.
    This membership is non-transferable. Your payment details will be securely stored in our system for the duration of the membership.
    This Monthly membership is for 1 regular class per week, or 40 classes per year for flexibility, max 6 classes per month
    These classes can not be taken during Half Term, Christmas & Easter Holidays and Summer Holidays.

    Price equates to £14.40 per class

    This membership also gives you access to the On-Demand bank of Pilates video for you to view at no additional cost, 365 days a year.

    You should choose this membership if you wish to set up a recurring booking and a space in your regular class saved on a rolling 12 month basis.

    Holiday Classes can be purchased in addition to this membership, should you wish to also attend holiday classes (During Half Term, Christmas & Easter Holidays and August)

    You can only use catch up classes whilst you are paying the monthly membership charge and you can attend a max of 6 classes a month. To qualify for a catch-up class, you will have needed to cancel any classes you cannot make, with at least 24 hours notice, or you will lose it.

    Catch-up classes are subject are not guaranteed and are subject to availability.

    The membership can be used for both Studio Pilates & Zoom Pilates & Yoga Classes.

    No classes can be carried over past the 12 months when your membership started.

    You will be charged 12 equal prorated payments through the year.

    You can cancel this membership with 30 days notice.