Foundations Course + Unlimited Access for 30 days.
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 30 days.
This intro offer gives you access to 3 x 1-hour Foundations sessions to teach you all the movements and techniques we use in our training. These are small group sessions where you'll be working along side other new starters to learn the movements. The sessions are usually weekly on Wednesday's 19:10-20:10 but check the timetable for sessions labeled "Foundations'.

You will also have full access to attend any other classes or open gym as soon as you sign-up. You don't need to do the Foundations sessions before coming to class. In fact it's best to get stuck into the classes before and in between the weekly Foundations sessions. ALL our sessions are lead by experienced coaches who will tailor the sessions to your needs/ ability level.

Terms and Conditions

This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on events/classes offered by the business for Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 20 days.. If the start date of this membership has already passed, it will not be prorated for partial months/days, meaning the price is the same regardless of when purchased. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.