CrossFit Endurance - 8 Week Course

CrossFit Endurance is a 8 week endurance sports training program dedicated to improving performance, fitness and endurance potential. We inspire, coach, and provide our community with the most aggressive and proven fundamentals of sports science, exercise physiology, nutrition, and athletic training protocols. The class focuses on proper running technique along with a running workout designed to develop and maximize our athlete’s endurance and anaerobic threshold.

CrossFit Endurance Benefits

We are efficient leaders in strength and conditioning for endurance athletes. Power and speed are critical components to success in the endurance world. With careful planning, our strength and conditioning plan increases these two mainstays of performance while decreasing recovery time, reducing injury, promoting preservation of lean tissue and creating a more sustainable performance curve.

CrossFit Endurance focuses on eliminating unnecessary volume of training while increasing intensity. Our programming is structured and sport-specific. Make no doubt, our sessions are not easy, but we believe the journey is part of making the results more rewarding. Our design is to maximize your potential and to elevate your fitness. Our commitment to you is that we will coach, inspire, lead and educate with care, sincerity and a relentless motivation to finally get you where you want to go. Long slow duration results in athletes being less powerful, less lean and more prone to injury, low energy and abbreviated sports longevity. CrossFit Endurance will make you faster….will make you leaner…. will increase your power….and will make your lungs burn. But, it will make you happy!

This program is a FREE drop-in class for CF Unlimited members.

Anyone else wishing to participate must purchase your place for £100 on the next course here.